13 research outputs found

    Two Planets, One Species: Does a Mission to Mars Alter the Balance in Favour of Human Enhancement?

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    In this chapter we examine the implications of a crewed mission to Mars, possible colonisation of the planet, and the wider implications this may have on genetic enhancement in both a terrestrial and space context. We consider the usage of both somatic and germ-line genetic engineering, and its potential impact on the evolution of Homo sapiens. We acknowledge that a mission to Mars may require the usage of such technologies if it is to be successful. Our investigation suggests that the use of such technologies might ultimately be linked with the transformation of our own species. We also consider projected timescales for the development of these genetic enhancements and the ethical questions raised by the possibility of speciation. Cooperation among spacefaring nations in this context and the development of norms for the use of such technologies is desirable

    Book review: Amanda Sinclair, Leading mindfully: How to focus on what matters, influence for good, and enjoy leadership more

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    Leading Mindfully sometimes reads like an apologia, not in the sense of a defence against accusations, but of a justification to bring two diverse fields together and prove that, despite many examples to the contrary, they are compatible – an explanation and defence of the author’s views and positions on mindful leadership. This book is good for reflective practitioners and reflective academics – and it is good for people who are unhappy with the way the term leadership is bandied about, and who are looking for alternatives without throwing the concept of leadership completely out of the window

    Questions and answers in health care and education

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